Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Why Diets Don't Work

Chemicals and toxins accumulate in fat tissue. The more chemicals and toxins, the more fat the body manufactures. Have you ever tried to lose weight only to be disappointed? Well, perhaps now you know the reason why! Most diets, lotions, pills, potions, and powders use unhealthy and potentially dangerous ingredients, such as ma huang, ephedra, and caffeine that promise fast weight loss. Yes, but the weight loss is primarily water and lean muscle. Minimal fat is lost because these products do not address the cleansing of the system.

There are numerous diet products, and most Americans have tried them all in an attempt to defeat the battle of the bulge. Yes indeed! We are in a war, and the battle waged is against FAT!

Without proper cleansing the lost lean muscle and water return as fat, thus people are actually fatter versions of their prior selves. Chemicals and toxins are bound within fat tissue. Specifically blended nutrients can contribute to releasing the chemicals and toxins from fat.

Excess fat will literally melt away at an alarming yet safe & effective pace
This is the healthy alternative to nutritionally deficient, disappointing and potentially deadly diets. About 65% of the world's population cleanses on a regular basis as part of their cultures. Why don't Americans?

Then modify your lifestyle to incorporate on-going cleansing, sensible eating and mild exercise. You will be on your way to a lifetime of improved health & wellness.

Do you want to be HEALTHY, CLEAN, AND LEAN?